Slayer chest

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Slayer chest

Slayer chest is located northwest of the RuneSaga fountain. To open this chest you need to have a Crystal key in your inventory. When opening this chest you get a variety of different loot and resources to help your account progression. In addition to these resources you will also gain 500k-5m Coins.


Item Amount Rarity Item Amount Rarity
Scroll of task select (easy) 1-1 1/14 Uncut onyx 1-1 1/55
Scroll of task select (medium) 1-1 1/18 Grimy ranarr weed 1-1 1/55
Scroll of task select (hard) 1-1 1/24 Snapdragon 1-1 1/55
Scroll of task select (boss) 1-1 1/37 Toadflax 1-1 1/55
20% Damage Boost Card (Range) 1-1 1/55 Raw anglerfish 1-1 1/55
20% Damage Boost Card (Magic) 1-1 1/55 Raw karambwan 1-1 1/55
20% Damage Boost Card (Melee) 1-1 1/55 head of Vyx'alis 1-1 1/55
5% Luck Boost Card 1-1 1/55 Claw of Quel'moros 1-1 1/55
5% Crit Boost Card 1-1 1/55 Tail of Malphas 1-1 1/55
8% Luck Boost Card 1-1 1/55 Mystic ticket(left half) 1-1 1/55
8% Crit Boost Card 1-1 1/55 Mystic ticket(right half 1-1 1/55
10% Exp Boost Card 1-1 1/55 Mystic ticket 1-1 1/55
Multi-card 1-1 1/55 Gyarados teleport scroll 1-1 1/55
Fortune Token 1-1 1/55 General's scroll 1-1 1/55
Behemoth bones 1-1 1/55 Dragonball box 1-1 1/55
Noxious bones 1-1 1/55 Onix whip 1-1 1/160
Saradomin brew(4) 1-1 1/55 Necronomicon 1-1 1/160
Super restore(4) 1-1 1/55 Amulet of fury 1-1 1/160
Prayer potion(4) 1-1 1/55 Dragon pickaxe 1-1 1/160
Celestial super combat(4) 1-1 1/55 Ranger boots 1-1 1/160
Celestial super attack(4) 1-1 1/55 Cosmic boots 1-1 11/160
Celestial super strength(4) 1-1 1/55 Dragonite skull 1-1 11/160
Celestial magic potion(4) 1-1 1/55 Astral crystal 1-1 1/160
Celestial ranging potion(4) 1-1 1/55 Verdant crystal 1-1 1/160
Runite ore 1-1 1/55 Intrepid crystal 1-1 1/160
Dragon ore 1-1 1/55 Essence of melee 1-1 1/481
Magic logs 1-1 1/55 Essence of magic 1-1 1/481
Redwood logs 1-1 1/55 Essence of ranged 1-1 1/481
Uncut diamond 1-1 1/55 Boss Bestiary 1-1 1/481
Uncut dragonstone 1-1 1/55 Triad crystal 1-1 1/481