Clockwork Coliseum

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Revision as of 02:07, 18 April 2024 by LongPickle (talk | contribs) (I have explained the recommended gear, food, and the mechanics for the zone boss capone. i added 3 subheading and 1 main heading and a image to explain it in detail for people to see)
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Robo Capone

Robo Capone is the zone boss for Clockwork Coliseum. It is required to kill 150 Dragon Bots to enter his instance.

When fighting the boss, he deploys 2 mechanics to look out for and his main attack is ranged. First being the lightning bolt attack. Secondly being the cannon blast.

(How to Protect against the Lightning bolt attack) The lightning bolt will split into 4 bolts when it touches the ground. It is wise to stand at one end of the boss room and wait for him to shoot out the bolt, it will give you space to maneuver around the lightning.

(How to protect against the cannon blast mechanic) This mechanic is very simple but can be very taxing if not timed right. Capone will lift his arm before he deploys the cannon blast. When this happens pray mage to protect against it.


Levels [HP: 3000, Attack: 150, Strength: 150, Defence: 250, Ranged: 125, Magic: 100]

Offensive [Stab: 200, Slash: 200, Crush: 200, Magic: 200, Ranged: 200]

Defensive [Stab: 315, Slash: 322, Crush: 340, Magic: 60, Ranged: 550]

Recommended Gear

It is Recommended to tackle this boss with magic equipment. Full psychic will work good with this boss, tear 4 Solrot or better works good too.

Recommended Food

It is Recommended to bring saradomin brews and restores brews. For saying that is because you can stay at the instance for a good bit of time without banking.