Fortune's Favor

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Revision as of 19:17, 23 July 2024 by TheDiabeto (talk | contribs)
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Fortune's Favor is a pity system introduced to the Invention skill to maintain balance. After failing multiple Invention upgrades, the chance of succeeding will increase by 5%, capping at a certain amount. (This is reset on successful upgrades)

Your Fortune's Favor is displayed underneath the success rate of the item you're trying to upgrade, like this:

Success rates

The % chance caps are as follows:

  • T0 > Fortune Favor will now guarantee a successful upgrade of any base Solrot item (page 1) upon 3 failed attempts.

  • T1 > has no Fortune Favor.

  • T2 > base rate of 50% -> Maximum Cap: 65%. after 2 fails you then start gaining the 5% increase each fail until cap

  • T3 > base rate of 35% -> Maximum Cap: 50%. after 3 fails you then start gaining the 5% increase each fail until cap

  • T4 > base rate of 25% -> Maximum Cap: 40%. after 4 fails you then start gaining the 5% increase each fail until cap

  • T5 > base rate of 15% -> Maximum Cap: 30%. after 4 fails you then start gaining the 5% increase each fail until cap