Early game money making

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Money making

Voting selling your vote tickets is a quick and easy way to get some starter cash. If you choose to sell your votes, DO NOT claim them. As well as attending every Vote boss for additional tickets (don't forget to loot the chest twice, if you have voted in the last twelve hours)

Killing Mooshrooms is a viable start to get some early game cash and you get your next tier of upgrades along side it. Mooshrooms can drop Price bags you can open for 500k-1.5m each.

Thieving at the tables. At home (South of the Runesaga Guide) you will find the five tables which you can steal from. Each table rewards you with 2500, 5000, 12500, 25000 and 50000 coins per action requiring level 1, 30, 60, 75 and 92 thieving for the respective tables. This is not the fastest method, but it is consistent.

Slayer is a very good route to go down for money as slayer is used throughout the game.

Worldbosses getting your prayer up to level 37 (this can be done by using the bones from the Elite recruit chest you received from ;;locus on the Dark altar) and attending world bosses using protect magic will give you some good rewards and a lot of Crystal keys which can be used on the Crystal chest at ;;home.