Magic fragments

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Magic fragments are extracted from various magic equipment. These fragments are primarily used for enhancing combat perks and recharging magic items, offering players a valuable resource to boost their magic damage.

Magic fragments
Tradeable No
Equipable No
Stackable Yes
Noteable No
Options Use,Drop
Examine Used to upgrade various

Magic items.

Scrap value

Scrapping items at the Arcane compressor gives 10% extra fragments.

Yes Man
Item Fragments Item Fragments
Ahrim's hood Ahrim's robetop
Ahrim's robeskirt Ahrim's staff
Shaman headband Shaman top
Shaman robe Shaman wand
Cold fusion cape Seers ring
Cosmic boots
Eldritch lantern (unlit)
Soulless sapphire Necronomicon
Essence of magic Astral crystal
Astral boots Darksight sceptre
Serpent hide Umbral staff
Psychic hat Psychic top
Psychic robe Psychic staff


Item Materials
Imbued heart
Magic fragments
Undead heart
Gyara helm (magic)
Magic fragments
Gyara helm (uncharged)
Totemic staff
Magic fragments
Totemic staff (uncharged)

Combat Perks

Sage's Might

Tier Main Cost Ironman Cost

Quick cast

Tier Main Cost Ironman Cost