Temple of Trials

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Temple of Trials is a significant update in RuneSaga, marking the introduction of the game's first group content and expanding the end-game experience.


We're very excited to announce that RuneSaga's first piece of group content is finally here! With this update comes an expansion to the end-game! Many players have referred to this update as a "raid" and we'd like to clarify - this is not the case. Our first raid will resume development after GIM is released. With that out of the way, let's get into the update!

The Temple of Trials is a boss rush style minigame where players create a party of up to 4 players to take on the 6 bosses inside. The battle is split up by a rift, with 3 bosses on each side. You may only have 2 players on one side upon entering the fight, but you will be able to cross the rift and assist your team once your side has been completed!

Getting Started

To get started, enter the Workshop trapdoor found in the Invention building at home. (Level 90 Invention required)

Once inside, enter the Mysterious door to access the Lobby area - where you can form a group using the new Party system before starting the fight.

The party system can be found by clicking the character summary icon, then the Group activity icon.

Once your party is ready to take on the minigame, enter the Volatile rift, then choose between entry & normal mode to begin!

New Equipment

The Temple of Trials introduces 3 new armor sets and new off-hands to the game.

Armor Sets

These new armor sets are unique with various tiers and set effects:

  • **Corrupt Equipment**: Strong mid-game gear, boasting higher DPS than Solrot tier 4 weapons and superior armor compared to Fight caves equipment.
  • **Set Effect Combinations**: Fuse AOE effects and stats from Solrot tier 5 with damage bonuses of Tier 80 equipment using these sets.

New Off-hands

Several new off-hands are obtainable from the Temple of Trials:

  • **Eldritch Lantern (Unlit)**: Grants defensive bonuses and can be lit by attaching a Necronomicon, enhancing its stats.
  • **Skull Buckler**: No attachments required.
  • **Devious Defender**: Created by combining a Devious Hilt (from Temple of Trials) with a Dragon Defender.

Workshop Machine Cores & Parts

Within the Invention workshop, machines requiring parts can be built:

  • **Arcane Compressor**: Used to compress armor into fragments, granting 10% more fragments when scrapping items, at the cost of Eternal orbs. This applies to Fate fragments as well.

Reception and Impact

The Temple of Trials update has received positive feedback from the RuneSaga community for its innovative group gameplay and diverse rewards, further enriching the game's end-game content.


  • Official RuneSaga Patch Notes and Community Updates
  • Developer Insights and Future Roadmap Discussions